I went to register on this website: 43 things to do.
43 may not seem a lot, but they are amazingly hard to achieve when you translate the overgeneralized goals in life into words and really put them down.
I found the website when I got so frustrated over why should I be studying and went to google about it. Sadly, all I could find is people asking how to study hard. Seriously, no one ever questioned the objective in such a common thing that everyone is trying to do? Or is it just because everyone's doing it, no one sees the need of questioning it?
Here's an excerpt I found amongst all the people who wrote about wanting to study hard, I think I am gonna use this to motivate myself for awhile.
Actually it sounds more like a piece of advice from someone, but I can't find any source of origin, if there were any.
-有时间吗?有时间就得和你谈谈了 ,
-我虽然没有如意上重点,去北京,但是我还是心安理得的。因为什么都是自己努力得来,没有后悔的 。
-你也知道,我经常熬夜,其实在熬夜的时候我也很难受的,看着别人酣睡的样子,自己却在拼命看书,你以为我想睡吗?主要是我不想我以后后悔 。
-我经常看书到两三点 ,怕影响别人,就得躲在被子里点电筒看 ,空气又闷,脖子和手又累。
你只有一百多天了,一定要克制自己,如果你连这些关键的时期都克制不了自己,以后会丧失很多东西的 ,其实这不但是积累知识的过程,更多的是锻炼自己的意志的时候 ,不管以后的结果如何,起码你努力过,至少图个心安理得,以后不会后悔。
-你一定要掌握好你的时间,特别是现在你们的束缚太少 。
-其实人一生会遇到很多朋友的,就是在不断接触当中选择自己合适的人做比较知心的朋友,很多人都只是泛泛之交的 ,你要懂者点 。
如果你连这些关键的时期都克制不了自己,以后会丧失很多东西的 ,其实这不但是积累知识的过程,更多的是锻炼自己的意志的时候 ,不管以后的结果如何,起码你努力过,至少图个心安理得,以后不会后悔I'll take them in. Sigh.