i'm jobless for a week because i forgot to tell my manager my schedule for this week. can't exactly say i'm happy about it, because i felt extremely bored this afternoon since i'm supposed to be working, and i did nothing fruitful. i guess i'm getting used to the work. at least when classmates ask, i reply them somewhat happily "yea, i'm working at pepper lunch now".
other than work, i have the upcoming math test which i must pass in order to secure my 4.0. but the sad thing is so far, just one week away from the test, i don't have a single clue on what we are learning and what will be tested. i kinda see my 4.0 waving to me and flying off...
had the so called first "jamming" at LMN's house last friday. i think it turned out quite bad, because of my poor time management and stuff. and i'm totally not playing up to standards. i feel so sad. but i'll be glad to see yunfu continuing learning guitar. i know how hard it is to get started, furthermore when everyone else playing make it look just so freaking simple. but i hope she'll continue.
now i have five or six med bio reflections left undone, but the brighter side of this is that mrs P is a really nice and good teacher, a thousand times better than ACTUALLY.
have to study for the math test, very hard to start right now. it feels like being told to run a 100m race after finishing a 2.4km. i kinda lost the momentum already.
and then i really need to practice. teacher is very nice indeed to tab the song for me. terminated my guitar course today but maybe i'll go back when i'm back from canada.
and then there are still other things, not so obvious but definitely cannot be ignored. i kept asking myself what i have done wrong, i think i did, and we all did. but i'm still not sure of the cause and effect relationship in it. maybe it's just that we were all trying too hard. shall just see how this thursday's www turn out like.
I'm very tired..both physically and mentally.
There's nothing I can say towards this, this and that, you, you and you. So let it be, and let it go.
One day I'm gonna find my own, and just mine but no one else's.
Ok, thanks, bye.
I wish I'll never see you again, I mean you and you, your this and that, all of yours, farewell.
Title: 我想称这篇文章为,断了的手镯 Written on: unsure
前两天手工课,好不容易完成了第一件作品.是用塑料的材料做的手镯,要设计自己的形状,还要涂油漆形成图案,我做好后,就拿回家来了.记得那天还很高兴的 给妈妈看了一下,说等老师批改完就送给她.然后今天我回来,晚上收拾书包时想着带上,明天好交上去.我一向桌子底下看去,全完了.那手镯就那么断成两片在 那里.我开始还真的以为我太困了,眼花了.结果不是,是被掰断的.我问妈妈,妈妈说她没动过.那么还有谁?
我知道了,知道就是隔壁屋那个小女孩.她整天都翘着脚坐在那个桌子旁边看电视.这不是推测,是结论.我甚至连她什么时候弄坏的都不知道.就这么两天,我现 在一看,就变成两半了.是不是很可笑?我自己也想笑.但我看着看着那个手镯,我就笑不出来了.看看自己的手,当时为了用机器把手镯的边缘的锯痕迹弄平,我 手被刮了一长条口子,那伤疤还在,我做好的手镯已经不在了.不完整了.
妈妈现在在屋里,慢慢的不知道在摆弄什么东西.我知道,她肯定猜到我是在哭了.她没有任何表示而已.这样也好.否则只有两个结果,一是我跟她大吵起来,二 是我去拍那家的门把他们吵起来骂.我知道两种做法都没意义了.我的手镯还是坏了.我一开始真的没哭的,我也不想哭.我只是望着天花板生气.心想这个小女孩 真是没家教.让我生气的不是她弄坏我的手镯,那还是其次.最生气的是她弄坏了就安安静静的放回原位当做没事发生过.
生气后我本来在继续收拾书包,然后坐回到电脑前,心里还是很郁闷.偏偏爸爸就发来一个网址,叫我去看.我打开一看,是一篇什么大学的文章.真的没心情看. 于是爸爸就问我为什么,我本来不想说,可是不知道怎么的就想反正是在网上你看不到我我看不到你说了又怎样?我就发信息过去了.我告诉爸爸那小女孩弄坏了我 的手镯还一声不出.这时心里除了气愤也是想让爸爸知道跟我们一起租房子的这到底是一家什么样的人.然后爸爸就回复我了.我真该猜到他的回复的,我真的该猜 到,并且不该跟他说的.他的大概意思就是,我很抱歉,别担心了,她只是一个小女孩.
我就关掉了QQ.就突然感觉那么那么伤心.现在写出来的字都是无头绪没语法的了.不知道什么时候才能有一个自己的家,或者回到自己的家,可能,我本来就没 有一个所谓的稳定的能让自己安定下来的叫家的地方吧.就是因为现实中没有,网络中虚幻里才这么空虚这么渴望找一个所谓的家.
手镯就还是那么两段,我不知道我能做什么,要做什么了.只是觉得在和爸爸说完那几句话后,很累很累.我本来还打出来,爸,我真的很难受,我不知道为什么, 可能不只是因为这个手镯的事情.但是爸爸的反应堵住了我的话.是我没资格再让他担心了吧.我知道我发了这句话他又会跟妈妈讨论,说我过的不开心,要妈妈尽 量让我开心.这话说了有什么用呢?我看连我妈妈自己都过的不是很开心了,凭什么要求她让我开心?
活的这么累,是不是还有活下去的意义?上次回珠海,我抱着满心的期望去找我以前的老地方.跟朋友一起走过的地方,失落是总是喜欢去的地方.但是发现那里已 经因为要建筑房屋而被封死了,也快要被拆了.我还记得我兴冲冲跑到以前的学校,因为回去是临时决定的,谁都没有通知.他们看到我,都是一脸的惊讶.我就跟 朋友说,走我们去那个地方走走吧.我好久没去了,真有点想那里呢.朋友就淡淡的说,哦,那里啊,已经被封上了啊,你看.我顺着她的手指的方向看,果然被封 上了.可是她都那么淡淡的,我好意思说什么呢?也只能作罢了.
这次回去,到底会是什么样子?我现在不仅很累,而且也信心全无了.在网上遇到一个以前很好的朋友,我也是那么高兴的告诉她,6月份我又要回去了,可以见到 她了.她的回复是高兴的,但字里行间有高兴吗?我真的看不出来了.当时我就觉得喉咙被噎住了一样,发不出声音,说不出话来.她告诉我,她们都远不及以前我 们一起的时候那么好了.甚至基本上不联络了.友谊真的是很脆弱的东西.可能就像我那个手镯那么脆弱吧.或许放在那里几天不管,落上了灰尘了,轻轻再一掰就 断了.要什么样的胶水才能把它修补到完好无缺的境界?似乎没有了.我怎么努力试着去拼合那两片手镯,中间都还是看的到一条裂缝.
那个朋友网上跟我聊的还不错,真的私模似样的是个网友了.我想是真的.现实中熟悉的人,网上可能聊不了几句.而你在网上聊的有模有样好象是老相识似的,见 了面却会尴尬的没话好说.我想,我这次不会尝试去见网上有联络的朋友了.可能也有一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳的意思.我还记得去年在学校里走着,在台阶上遇到 一个同学,网上聊的挺好的,他还真就一句话也没跟我说.那时心情不是用伤心来形容的了.可能是明白了,学乖了吧.
Title: 2325-0028 Written on: unsure
刚给自己煮了一包方便面.可能是因为鱼那个14岁生日吧,写的字寂寞的让我无法忘记.现在只要是我在写字并且刚吃了方便面,心里就会尖锐地疼.让我想起一 个14岁的孩子,吃着方便面庆祝自己的生日,边吃边掉眼泪.然后我又想起回到中国后朋友听到我说在新开始的日子里一直吃方便面,羡慕地对我说,你真幸运, 可以经常吃到方便面,我现在想吃我妈都不让,非得让我吃饭.我一听眼泪差点没掉下来.我还是忍住了没提醒她"一直"和"经常"的分别.或许经常吃在她这种 不怎么吃的到方便面的人听来是享受,可是对我是真真切切的一种折磨.那象征着,妈妈没时间做饭,象征着,我需要省钱,最深刻的象征着,我在这个永远不属于 自己,我也不被属于的地方生活.我不是要写方便面之文,请你别害怕.呵呵,其实谁会害怕.谁会有时间谁会如此闲来无聊去看另一个人无奈的字.这点我在看完 小四的<左>后深切的感受到了,也暗暗庆幸.他在<左>里记录的一些碎碎叨叨的字实在让人看不下去.因为那种字只有作者自己才能 深切的体会到,或许,文中关联的人也能体会到一部分.但是我只是读者,我又不行.所以我庆幸,甚至到了看那书看到一半开始傻笑的地步.还好,还好,我现在 写下的这些字永远不会被印刷出来,传到那些不懂的人手上.而我也不愿让我的字那么无奈.
方便面里我加了好多朝天椒.是那种特别小的,有血一样红的颜色的辣椒.我很喜欢这种辣椒,虽然不知道谁曾经跟我说过女孩子不要养成吃辣椒的习惯.但我还是 喜欢.那小小的身体里能爆发出如此大的能量,让我吃的满头大汗,嘴有被火烧的感觉.每次我压抑就吃它,因为实在是太辣了,吃多了或许对身体也不好.但吃完 了有种发泄出来的感觉,这也就是为什么我突然把这几天积堆在心里的这些话写出来了.不知道,这种寻求爆发力的方法算不算自虐呢?不管了,我要趁着这嘴发 麻,头脑发热的时候,能写多少写多少吧.
那么,该到我说的时候了.她中国的家很有钱,住的是三层楼公寓再加上顶楼的天台.每一层都可以当做中国一个小康之家.她的大儿子在新西兰留学.我真的很不 明白,不明白她为什么要来.我甚至完全糊里糊涂没搞清楚状况的时候,就发现她们大包小包的站在我家门口了.我不知道从始至中是谁怂恿她来的,或许是我爸, 也可能是我妈.但我真的无法理解.我来,还不是在出于自愿的情况下,但是我家在中国的情况也只说的上不错,来这里寻求更好的生活条件和环境,是可以理解 的.可是她们在中国过的是那么舒坦奢华的生活,难道还想在这异国土地找到更好的?现在她们来了,拿的也是外国人身份,不象我爸爸那时候抓住了时机,办成了 永久居民,不然我真不知道我现在活成什么样.要知道,你拿着外国人的身份在这里,工作难找,因为人家听说你的身份就不敢信任你了.处处多花钱:上诊所要比 永久居民和公民多付50以上新币,孩子上学两年要交1000的所谓教育储蓄金,每月学费是公民和永久居民的7倍.
我还记得我刚落地时的彷徨.在机场里望着那些英文指示牌和满耳听到的英文对话时的茫然.每每我回想起那时,心里就又酸又疼.心疼的仿佛那不是我自己,而是 一个被命运捉弄了的孩子.我不知道在我写这些字的同时,又有多少这样的孩子,乘的班机降落在这个对他们陌生无比的机场了.我敢肯定他们有着一样美好的过 去,和迷茫的未来.可惜,这是一件对我来说最最无奈的事.除了做在电脑前打着这些只有自己会看的字来追悼他们,我们,跟以前说再见的悲哀,我无能为力.
那个阿姨带来的小女孩进了我家第一句话就是,这电视怎么这么小啊?我那时做在电脑前,背对着她们,嘴角抽动了一下.每人看到我的冷笑,没人知道我心里的 话,很快,你会发现更多"惊喜".我知道她们中国的环境,我小时也曾上那里玩.她们家的电视如果没有我家这个4个大也有3个大了.然后她们进了我们的卧 室,那孩子又来了一句:这房间真小啊,热死了.我咬着嘴唇咽下了差点脱口而出的一句话:就跟你们家厕所那么大,是吧? 现在她们,她们母女俩睡在我们的床上.那是我们在新加坡第一次搬家后买的床,那是在去年四月.买那床之前我们就搬到了这个可说是空无一物的房子里.因为是 从====手中租来的,所以没有任何家私.所有家当都是我和妈妈搬过来的,那时爸爸不在,我只觉得妈妈好能干啊.我还记得,一清二楚,我在房子里空虚地走 来走去走的脚疼的感觉;没有桌子,我趴在硬邦邦的地板上给珠海的朋友写信的状况;还有我在新买的煤气炉上煮着方便面时,听到楼下爸爸的叫声,眼泪毫无防备 就掉下来的情形.那是我们到新加坡后爸爸回国第一次回来看我们.妈妈那时马上跑下楼接爸爸了,而我马上在方便面里加了大把的朝天椒,吃的都分不清流出的泪 是被辣的还是哭出来的了,然后对着上来的父母傻笑着说,这辣椒真辣.
她们现在睡着的床,铺着我们一家从中国第一次来新时带来的凉席.那是竹子制的,重的很,我记得在珠海时折起来称了称有大概15公斤.那一路上都是爸爸拎着 它,真奇怪我怎么连这个都记得.我对这种让我有深刻记忆的东西都有洁癖.就象我珍惜的书如果被别人弄脏了那么我一定要买来一本新的.如果是别人送的那么会 伤心好一阵子.于是我知道,我不会再碰这席子直到下一次我亲手仔细的刷洗它.
0点12,爸爸上线了.他申请QQ就为了联系我,列表里也除了我就是妈妈的号了.每次看到爸爸用的那个熊的头像在闪啊闪的,我就知道他说什么了.他一定是 问我在不在线,我想我自己也是太缺德了,可能以前总不理他说的话,所以他现在总这么问.对于QQ,或者说对于网络我有种很深切的体会.那就是如果你在网上 和一人打的火热,死党情人的关系不亦乐乎,那么哪天你在现实中遇到他一定是无话可说的.如果是你在现实中熟知的人,在网上你和他反而聊不上闲话了.
那是因为你需要的人不需要你,而出现的另一个人或是因为碰巧或是其他原因,就不得而知了.我只着重在着"不需要你"几个字上.也就是说,很多时候,我们自 己都在扮演着多余的角色,而却浑然不觉.有人运气好,就这么误打误撞的走对 了路,可是有些人,会碰的满头大包才猛然醒悟.可我还是觉得最悲惨的一种人是不敢去"误打误撞",还没有"满头大包"却以开始担心会受到打击了,然后萎缩 不前,然后永远没结果.我做事也一样,总是虎头蛇尾.
终于了解到这么写字的好处了.这样可以引开我的注意力,不断的联想让我不会总集中在一件伤心的事上,久久盘旋想不开.我一直以为这么写字和写日记没什么两 样,但还是有区别的.就是,日记始终是给自己看的.而这么写,始终是要被别人看到的,只是在与别人是否在乎去看而已.这样和写了日记又把日记本拿给别人看 一样,是很XIAN的行为.可是怎么办,我已经上瘾了.人嘛,就是贱.
还有呢,日记不需要结尾,你爱怎么写就怎么写,爱写到哪就写到哪,可是这不行.你总担心着有人会来看,那么就要写的完美,写的拿的上台面,这么写,到底最 后写到了什么?于是我开始种新的做法.总是写完,发到几个论坛,然后去回复别的帖子,让这个帖子沉到底.并不希望别人看到,却又总希望有心人看到.其实看 到又如何.人生很多事情还不是这样.如此又如何,不如此又如何?
2nd day, i don't know if it's better or worse.
had as much if not more scolding as the very serious manager was there. but i guess i can still take it.
whatever happened really provoke a lot of thoughts in me, i shall find a time to organize them and write them down, but not now.
and i bet the kitchen guy hates me, but never mind, i'm never good enough to make everyone like me. i'm kinda surprised by how quiet i can be during work, the other girls always gather when the manager/capt's not around and chitchat for a bit, but i don't think i want to join it. and what's even weirder, i felt kinda comfortable eating alone during break time, anyway no one has the same break time as me also.
things to take note of:
how to do dish up
pasta must add sauce, tomato, cheese and parsley
seasonal soup must add parsley
curry sauce must add vege cubes and dont let them sink
every dish comes with a bowl of rice except pepper rice/pasta so WAIT
there are some more but i suddenly can't recall. shit.
and say it, just say it already. zzz.
good night. am ready to get bashed up by chinese teacher, and die for skeleton quiz.
first day of work, from 3pm to 11PM ._.
really exhausted after work, but i think it's just that i'm not used to it.
suprisingly, it feels kinda good to serve. i always thought i'd hate jobs like that, but after trying and putting the most friendly side of me out there, i feel really satisfied when i get a "thanks" or just a smile in return. most of the people i met today are nice, including the others working there ^^
got a bit of scolding but i guess it's alright. nothing really embarrassing or shameful except that i realised although i'm studying in a so called top school, i'm far from giving any excellent performance in the real world out there, even for basic area like service. but i will try. heeheehee.
and i'm just really really quiet during work, i dont know why either. i feel sorry for those who tried to be really nice and talked to me. and i still don't feel comfortable saying all the jap phrases -__-
and imo it's tougher to be around the dishing/kitchen area, because according to the "captain", working there means being in control of the kitchen and the cooks, who are eh, never mind. and i need to try hard to learn how to shout out the dish names loud to the cooks...
hope tomorrow will be better..but oh no, they said there'll be a manager who's a lot more fierce >:( we'll see.
my first job ever..although it's just part time, but i really look forward to it.
i received the call from pepper lunch when i was on the mrt...and they told me to go for an INTERVIEW. and i started to get kinda nervous after that. when i reached, the manager was not free so waited for quite awhile, and got even more nervous. when the manager came out, the first thing he said was, are you really 18? -_____- then i showed him my ic...and there was basically no INTERVIEW -_- he just briefly introduced the restaurant to me, and asked about my available working hours. lol! and i'm gonna start working next tues! xD so exciting! ~~~>_<~~~
喜欢?喜欢个屁 -_-
was searching for something..then i found all my old letters. the oldest ones even date back to 2001 and 2002...now to think back, it was definitely a beautiful memory. we were writing to each other even during lessons, and there was almost nothing we can't talk about. i really miss them, my old friends. when i read the letters again, i can only say that..we were all happy and innocent at that time. who'd know so many things would happen? those happy time are gone, and reality just came crashing down on us. but if i have the choice again, i don't think i can ever grab those happiness either. they are all just fated to happen, i guess.
gotta accept the changes..and keep moving on.
lol, really don't know what i'm talking about already.
and among all the letters i saw the one that i've never sent, and of course, you've never read. but i didn't dare to read it, cos i dont know if i still mean it, i'm afraid that if i don't anymore, i'll have to give up, on everything, on you.
so i shall go listen to tim mcgraw and emo awhile and sleep. lol. i really hope tomorrow will be a better day.
"but in a box beneath my bed, is a letter that you never read, from three summers back."
i think i should change the blogskin, it's too small, but am currently lazy.
it's been almost one year since i last posted here. but i guess i need this place after all. yes there are friends for me to talk to, things for me to do. but there are also things that i can't directly say to anyone anymore or else it starts to get irritating, to both me and my friends. ok whatever i shall stop saying long sentences that don't make sense.
it's cliche to say this again but yes, things changed a whole lot since i last posted. and i am feeling kinda funny. before i start on anything let me thank (or not so thankfully?) stephen (if that's his real name even, lol) for making me wanting to blog again. but there's no specific reason behind it or whatever, maybe just a little inspiration to my blogless life.
and the changes. somethings that were close are not anymore, somethings that i've never imagined would happen actually happened, call this life, lol. i don't want to think this way but, i think i am, intentionally or not, the kind of person that won't treasure a thing after finally gotten it. yes i still feel bittersweet now looking back at all the posts gosh so many posts about it. but i guess it's a totally different feeling from when i wrote all those. to think that he actually said it before i do is really ridiculous, till now i'm still not 100% certain about the credibility behind what he said. but i don't know. then i started to feel weird. it's been quite a long time that i don't treat myself as an absolute girl anymore. that i mean not a typical girl. i just dont really dress up at all and 've been wearing more guyish clothes, it seemed fine to me and it still does. i've noticed so many weaknesses of my character and also all the dark sides. so now the problem is i do not understand why will he even like a person like this. i really don't see the reason and he didn't really give me a convincing one either. maybe i lack self confidence, lol.
him and his dream life. that night was really too much for me. too many things at once all crashed down on me. no matter i still have the same feeling or not i do remember clearly about it, the panic and everything. now to think back, i don't know whether it was happiness or whatever. i think he's changed too, and that made me even more unsure. maybe it's true that the love (or should i call it infatuation? wtf ok 6 years of infatuation) only truely lasted in that summer. it'll be ironic then since i meant totally a different thing when i started this blog (with its lines etc).
but after all life isn't all about love and relationship, i clearly understood it. with my heart aching less and less when i think of him. there are new things, good ones and not so good ones. the old question is back again, to go or not to go? i'll most probably stay for the convenience and familarity, but other than those, what else? it is saddening for me to realize that after all these years it's hard to find something i truely treasure here that'll keep me totally out of the thought of leaving. it was there in sec 2.. but not anymore. but i can't say that i didn't have a good time during sec 2. in fact it was almost wonderful. but people do change, and i nearly forgot that i am nothing but just one of all the people that will change as time goes by. it is not that we don't care for each other, we certainly do. i can't say it's not what i wanted since i don't even know what i really want, but the feeling is just, i dont know. maybe you feel the same, maybe you don't. things came up and passed me by like the scenes i can hardly catch when i'm riding a roller coaster. maybe life is like that, maybe.
and other than that, if there's something else that'll pull me away, it's the fact that i don't look forward to going to jc at all, not at all. i know some people do, and are pretty excited about it, but i just can't get the feelings right. it'll certainly become an environment that's a whole lot more complicated, and i hate that.
and my dreams? i don't know if they still exist. i think they are linked, my likes are. so when one vanishes, the others fade as well. the doreamon guitar is still there in its perfect state, but i guess it's no longer as attractive as it was to me before. i don't want it that desperately like before. but luckily i don't regret having taken eguitar at all. even if it no longer fits the original starting point, i want to give it a nice end point. and yes i dreamed about performing on stage, i still do but not so often. now it's just that there are songs i'd really like to share with people by playing them. but i don't know if i can ever fulfill this wish. after all, i dont know.
but the nicer parts of my life is that i still get to be a peaceful fujoshi. i can read bl, play trickster although it's really getting boring. and i have friends that are, no matter what, worth appreciating.
i hope i can keep some track of my life by writing bits and pieces here occasionaly (not dreaming for high frequency), but not like this, a long post for a whole year because i certainly missed out a lot of things.
i guess that's it for today =)